
Lifestyle & Management Tips

Beat Belly Bloat

Beat the Belly Bloat: Effective Tips for a Flat Tummy

Jun 26, 202414 min read

Beat the Belly Bloat. Did you know that only 7% of people meet their recommended daily fiber intake?1 Many find…

top 10 best exercises for ibs

Top 10 Best Exercises for IBS Relief & Management

Jun 23, 202410 min read

Top 10 Best Exercises for IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) impacts 10-15% of the world’s population, showing it’s widespread.1 But,…


EMF Radiation and the Gut: How It Affects Your Digestion

Jun 21, 202412 min read

Did you know one hour near a 4.9 GHz wireless signal can change your gut’s mix of tiny organisms drastically?1…

best natural laxatives

Best Natural Laxatives: Gentle, Effective Relief IBSC

Jun 19, 202417 min read

Up to 15% of U.S. adults struggle with IBS-C, the constipation type of IBS. If you’re dealing with symptoms like…

climate change and ibs

Could Climate Change Worsen Symptoms of IBS?

Jun 18, 202417 min read

Climate change and IBS, This chronic issue causes stomach pain and changes in bowel movements. It’s linked to problems in…

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